Table of Contents
Overview #
A job is the base of a Valuation. A Job will have multiple levels below it consisting of Entities, Job Segments & Scenarios.
A job costs 100 credits to create and has an expiry of three months for data entry.
Create Job #

- Job Type: Determines what Job features are available
- Job Name: Name of Job, will appear on reports
- Date of Valuation: Date the valuation is being performed
- Currency Symbol: Currency symbol which will appear for the system and reports
- Status: Current status of the job
- Due Date: Internal date for when the Job is due to be complete
- Details: Internal notes for the details of the Job
- Contact: Contact information for the Job
- Client Details: Client details for the Job
- Assigned Users: Which Firm Members have access to this job (Note. All firm administrators have access to every Job)
- Create Entity: Create an initial entity for the Job
Create Entity #
When creating a Job, you can also create a first Entity.

- Entity Name: Name of the entity
- Industry Code (SIC): Standard Industrial Classification for the entity. (Note. Using Google and performing a search for “sic industry” will generally give you a correct result
- Entity Industry Description: A short description of the industry