
Overview #

Create a Dataset #

  • Template: Pre-fil a full year based on year choice
  • Name: Name of dataset
  • From Date: Starting to for dataset (Note. This date must precede an existing dataset to date if one already exists)
  • To Date: Ending date for dataset
  • First period ever: Is this the first period for the Business
  • Check net profit after tax and dividends: The financial value for the period to check data entry is correct.
  • Check net assets: The financial value for the period to check data entry is correct
  • Create extra previous datasets: Automatically create periods prior to the from date to match the length of this period.
  • Create extra recent datasets: Automatically create periods following this to date to match the length of this period.

Update a Dataset #

Delete a Dataset #

To Delete a Dataset, use the delete button found on the Update Dataset form. Alternatively see Multiple Manage Datasets view.

Multiple Manage Datasets #