The ultimate business valuation software. Includes all common valuation methods and generates a comprehensive report that can be fully customized.

Business Valuation Blog

How to Value an Accounting Firm – 4 Common Methods

How to Value an Accounting Firm – 4 Common Methods

There are many ways to value an accounting firm because after all, an accounting firm is still just a business and businesses get their value by generating expected benefits to their owners. There are 4 common methods used to value accounting firms in Australia, USA and most other countries being: Capitalization of Earnings Rule of Thumb Comparable Transactions Discounted Cash Flow  We have...

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What Multiple should I use for a Business Valuation?

What Multiple should I use for a Business Valuation?

The most common question I get asked as a business valuer and a valuation software CEO is “What multiple should I use to value the business?”. Listen to our podcast on this topic here: Podcast: #3 - What Multiple should I use for a Business Valuation? The problem with this question is that the asker doesn’t always understand that there are different types of multiples designed for different...

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Should I Use EBIT, EBITDA, Cash Flow or Something else for Business Valuations?

Should I Use EBIT, EBITDA, Cash Flow or Something else for Business Valuations?

What level of profit or cash flow should you use to value a business? Listen to our podcast on this topic here: This is one issue that business valuers, accountants, CFO's, brokers and everyone else seems to struggle with. The short answer is it depends on the method you are using (income vs market) and the...

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Common Business Valuation Methods

Common Business Valuation Methods

There are many business valuation methods that a business valuer has in their toolkit. There are 3 broad valuation approaches: Income Approach, Market Approach and Cost Approach. Within each broad approach there are several valuation methods to choose from and within those methods valuers will often carefully modify a method to suit the situation at hand. Below is a brief description of the most...

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